Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Here's another nice mess you've gotten us into!"

Breaking News today from China.............
  • NewsMax reporter Charles Smith

17 POUNDS of highly radioactive weapons grade URANIUM is MISSING in China ! !

And the really scary thing about this is that they don't know where it's gone - or when it left! The closest any Chinese official can come up with as to a "disappearance" date, is "sometime between 2005 and 2007!"

Four Chinese citizens were arrested way back in January 2007 after trying to sell the uranium to a buyer on the black market! At the time, the buyer got "cold feet" and turned them into police authorities because he thought the sellers all looked sick. Unfortunately, no one knows where the uranium is! It was supposed to have been stashed in a cave known only to the original thief! But when authorities looked, the uranium was gone.

What makes this story all the more bizarre is that the uranium was originally stolen from a mine in southern Yunnan province that was controlled by the Chinese military! (Gotta love that Chinese military security huh?) And the trial of the guys arrested can't move forward because Chinese authorities have been unable to find the uranium!

As it turns out the original buyer was right to be concerned. Because the 4 arrested thieves are suffering from radiation poisoning because they handled the highly volatile "stuff" improperly! (GO Figure!) Investigators are following a trail of more than 20 people all exposed to and sick from radiation poisoning.

The 17 pounds of MISSING highly-radioactive-weapons-grade URANIUM can be re-processed into a standard nuclear device,* or can be used as is in a "dirty bomb" configuration.

(WOW! Now there's a "pucker-factor" news story if I ever heard one!)

* about 35 pounds of U-235 is required to make a conventional nuclear device. CLICK on link for answers to this and other terrifying nuclear FAQ's I never thought I'd ever have to ask anybody!!


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