Carville looking for new Democrat Bumper Stickers in 2008
James Carville, (the sea anchor holding back the incredibly talented Mary Matalin), is looking toward Liberals voters for more slogans to use during the 2008 Senatorial campaign cycle. Those of you who remember President Wm. Jefferson Clinton remember that the 'slick-scalped' Carville partnered successfully with 'flopsy-mopsy' George Stephanopolous to get "der Schlickster" elected in 1992. Yesterday Mr. Carville said that the "winning" slogan will appear on bumper stickers, and other Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee propaganda during the upcoming Senatorial elections. Oh Goodie! Soon we'll feel the stinging wit and repartee of "Liberal Nation."
Carville noted that the DSCC already had 4 slogans primed for national distribution, but that they were looking for better ones! Here's what the grinning cadaver-faced pundit offered from the DSCC.
- W Is Out Send the Right Wing with Him
- No Republicans Left Behind in D.C.
- What Have Republicans Done for You Lately?
- 2006 Was Just the Beginning More Dems in '08
I've got a few of my own Congressional bumper stickers we should all try out! Since Congress has done such a wonderful job for every American during the last 8 years, 16 years, 24 years, (oh the hell with this, I could be here all day)!! How about.........
Admittedly, the last two slogans might be better served on some of those Avant-guard tee-shirts so beloved by the Lefties. But I think my ideas provide something for everyone.
Where has all My Money Gone? - by KAJ
Where have all my tax bucks gone,
all you Con - gress - men??
Where have all my tax bucks gone,
these 60 years or so???
Where have all my tax bucks gone,
Gone for "ear-marks" everyone!
When will we ever learn?
When will we ev - er learn?
Dum Spiro Spero!
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