Saturday, August 25, 2007

"Stealing Minnesota!" (Sen. Norm Coleman meet Rick Lazio)

There's a real good man in Minnesota named Norm Coleman, who needs our help! He's the incumbent Republican Senator. Currently he's getting out-fund-raised by his Democrat opponent for his Senate seat. You may have heard of this other guy - former Saturday Night Live irritant and current (? is Air America still on the radio?) liberal radio talk show "whiner," Al Franken.

After a successful decade or more in the Attorney General's office Coleman was the Mayor of St. Paul for a number of years. Coleman started out his political career as a Democrat, but became disenchanted and became a Republican. It was after this change that he threw his hat into the statewide ring in what became the "gubernatorial media circus!" This is where he narrowly lost the governorship to Jesse "da bady" Ventura in 1998. (Boy, I remember that clearly, "The World Wide Wrestling Federation takes over the Statehouse" - what a movie! Even from all the way out here in New Jersey I was enthralled!) But the setback didn't stop Norm, a couple years later he ran again, this time for the Senate and was elected in 2003. As Norm likes to say, in one way or another he's been working and fighting for his beloved Minnesotan's most of his adult life.

Franken's running against Coleman not because Franken has more experience or has a better idea of how to do things....nah, that would be logical. He's running against Norm Coleman because, "Coleman has been just too close to Bush and too supportive of the Iraq war". That's what Franken told NewsMax recently. Franken's run for the Senate then, is based on two things ..... George Bush's job performance and our war in Iraq.
  • It isn't that Franken has a great new policy for how to improve the lives of folks from Minnesota .... nope, he's running because of George Bush's job performance.
  • It has nothing to do with how Norm Coleman has done as a Senator .... just that he supports the President.
Oyy, that's some strategy! Democrats run on their hatred of President Bush - not on their ability - or plans to do anything! Let's review that again .... Democrats run on their hatred of President Bush - not on their ability - or plans to do anything! That's pretty sad isn't it?

Al Franken grew up in, and then left Minnesota for Hollywood and New York. You have to admit, as an actor and television personality, Franken has had a pretty good career. (I'd say Franken's career has been on par with the piano player in a Vaudeville show - steady work - the audience always enjoys hearing him playing, but they all know the "real star" is up on stage!)

Returning to Minnesota now, Franken's candidacy is nothing more than a "ham-handed" attempt by the Hollywood Cartel to "cherry-pick" another Senate seat for the Left! What else explains 82% of Franken's funding coming from proud out-of-state donors in show business like Rosie O'Donnell, Larry David, Dan Aykroyd, Meg Ryan, Bill Maher, Tom Hanks, Paul Neuman, Ed Norton, & Ben Stein? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with "putting the arm" on old friends. Franken isn't stupid. He knows that in show business, like in politics and prostitution, it pays to have a big address book and rich friends!

The Liberals used a similar tactic successfully when they ran "Mzz. Hillary" against Rick Lazio for the Senate Seat in New York State in 2000. Nobody took Hillary Clinton seriously when she announced she was going to run for Patrick Moynihan's seat! When she announced her candidacy she didn't even live in the state & Rick Lazio was really well known and had more than a 30% margin! Some people were saying she shouldn't even be allowed to run because she wasn't a "real" New Yorker. I remember Sean Hannity joking on the air about how wonderful it was going to be, to beat Hillary!Well, $41,000,000 dollars in election spending later, and a bunch of well placed address book phone calls .... Mzz.Clinton wins 55% to 43%. And in the annals of NY State election trivia, Lazio forever becomes "Looz-i-o!"

Wake up Conservatives! Just because you've had your seat for 2 or more terms, don't think you're safe!
It doesn't matter that you've spent you life working for the people of your state and have tons more experience.
Remember, show business, politics, and prostitution ..... how big is your address book and how rich are your friends?

Dum Spiro Spero!


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