What Congress doesn't want you to know about Immigration Reform
I'm of a firm belief that Congress and The White House actually hope & pray the American public is ill-informed! That we don't read newspapers or review news websites on our computers. What's more, I bet Nancy, Harry, Teddy (hic!), the rest of Congress and President Bush, wish there were no news broadcasts at all for us to get information from. I believe they dream of the days during the first half of 1800's, when citizens found out about news and new legislation, a couple of months after the fact.
Now that's a pretty harsh statement isn't it? I mean, here I am saying that I believe most of our governmental leaders hope we don't have any way to view, read, or hear news stories. How many of you believe that our politicians pray we don't know what they are doing? I do - I honestly do! Couple that with a slanted media bias - (dependent upon which station or newspaper you read it could slant either way) - a person could go weeks before hearing both sides of a legislative issue!
Need more proof? OK. In early June of this year, we all finally heard about a big immigration bill that was supposedly being "quickly sheparded" through Congressional Committee by the "gruesome twosome" of Sen. Teddy Kennedy and Sen. John McCain. When rumors started to fly that a large measure of this bill involved amnesty for the 12 million current illegal aliens in the United States, Senator McCain was heard screaming at another Senator behind close doors that he had better change his vote. Senator Kennedy was overheard commenting that this wasn't anything anybody should question because it had already been agreed upon in a bipartisan hearing! (So much for debating issues in an open forum! And remember, we were expected NOT to even read the 670 page bill before approving it!) Happily, the Immigration Bill was defeated on June 28th, but not before millions of citizens had to get involved and overwhelm our Senators and Congressmen with our phone calls and emails instructing them not to vote for the bill.
Want still more proof? Section One - Page 14 of the Sunday Star Ledger for August 19th, 2007. Most of us have been told/scolded that a majority of Americans supported a national immigration policy that would be more tolerant & understanding of illegal aliens and provide them with a better way of life. (I received a number of emails from people telling me I was "heartless" for wanting to deport illegal aliens and their families after I wrote a blog to that effect a couple months ago! Sorry, I still feel that way!) A lot of that stopped after the Kennedy/McCain immigration flame out transpired. But this morning there was still more proof of the growing antipathy toward illegal aliens. A Rasmussen report on immigration issues released Saturday reported the following;
- 74% of likely voters favor the creation and funding of central database to track all foreign visitors.
- 71% of likely voters favor a measure requiring all foreign visitors to carry a universal identification card.
- 58% of likely voters favor the elimination of federal funds for "sanctuary cities" like Newark and Paterson, NJ.
- 56% of likely voters favor the federal government to continue building a fence between the United States and Mexico.
Remember earlier I asked you if you believed our politicians hoped & prayed we didn't know what was going on? Well, here's my final proof. (And let me preface this by saying I think you will all be shocked!)
By the end of June, 2007, most of us were feeling pretty good that we had defeated the Immigration Bill before Congress. We were sighing relief that at least until 2009, immigration and any chance for a new amnesty appeal were dead. If we all weren't so stupid and naive, we would have read every single syllable once Senator Teddy told us it was unimportant - that should have been the signal! But we weren't. Hidden deep within the bill appeared a single sentence that ultimately led Dr. Jerome Corsi back to another piece of bureaucracy already moving forward. The sentence read, "It is the sense of Congress that the United States and Mexico should accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico." (Have any of you ever heard about this? I didn't think so!)
Let me introduce Dr. Corsi to you. Dr. Corsi has written a book entitled "The Late Great USA." He, and members of the public interest group Judicial Watch have become increasingly alarmed at governmental actions designed to turn North American into a copy of the European Union. You might say nonsense, and ask how could they possibly do this? Before I explain, here's a link to an article that will give you more information and hopefully lead you to explore websites on your own. http://www.newsmax.com/scripts/printer_friendly.pl?page=http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2007/7/9/140357.shtml?s=al&promo_code=389B-1 (If anyone has a problem with this link please send me a separate email and I'll send you the link again)
The piece of bureaucracy Dr. Corsi was referring to is called the Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America. (SPP or in some cases sPP for short). Be honest now - have any of you heard about this? Probably not, because it was a White House driven policy that was agreed upon in 2005 by President Bush, Mexican President Vincente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. That's right, Congress hasn't even needed to vote on it, because various components of the agreement are only "coordinated" through various governmental departments. For example, the Department of Commerce "coordinates" the prosperity angle, while Homeland Security "coordinates" the security portion. And since most of Congress agrees with what the bill envisions, well, it's in their best interest to "s-l-i-d-e" the coordination along without drawing attention to it. Dr. Corsi has called the SPP," a coup d-etat by bureaucratic means" and from where I'm sitting his description is pretty accurate!
For me, it isn't just that the government we elected has found a way, to get what they want without us, the voters, even being aware of it. It's that they're spending money to implement improvements in foreign countries for foreign citizens, from the taxes that they take from us - that we have been told was being used to improve our country - our lives - and our children's lives! Speaking expressly for me, myself and I .... frankly it pisses me off so badly, I want to run down to Washington and kick the shit out of somebody .... and I don't care who reads this!
Here are just some of the major points of the SPP; (My questions appear in italics.)
I know this has been a long posting, but we ALL have to start reading & questioning more and holding all these politicians accountable! Now before I close let me ask you all once again.....How many of you believe that our politicians pray we don't know what they are doing?
Dum Spiro Spero!
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