Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Liberal Nation" so smart - yet so dumb!

I just read an article online from Salon magazine written by a fella named Joe Conason. The article was entitled, "If you think they hate us now.... A Republican victory in 2008 could sink America's reputation in the world even lower." Conason writes weekly for Salon and for the New York Observer. In addition to his weekly column, he has had a number of books published on topics ranging from "It Can Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bush;" "The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill Clinton" and "The Raw Deal: How the Bush Republicans Plan to Destroy Social Security and the Legacy of the New Deal". ( I think I read somewhere that Conason was researching another book proving that George W. Bush is "the anti-Christ, "Darth Vader," the Ebola virus and "Lord Voldemort." Not figuratively - literally!)

Now, when someone writes for Salon, you have to know that your audience is predominantly of one mind ..... liberal (near-pacifist) with an unbridled fear and loathing of anything to the right of Eugene V. Debs, anything "Bush-ian" (including Baked Beans), anybody wearing a uniform, or anyone who failed to worship at the alter of Clinton, William Jefferson - America's first black president. Understanding this audience allows you to build a career writing "stuff" like all of that listed above - it virtually guarantees a career income from NYC alone! Good work if you can get it!

What amazes me about authors like Mr. Conason, isn't their distain for this country (although they will deny it). It isn't their hatred of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove or any person, idea, or policy that isn't dripping liberalism, (although they will deny all of that as well). I'm used to all that by now, and frankly, I'd expect nothing less. But what really amazes me, and continually makes me shake my head in wonderment is his/their absolute "whiff"* of the pitch being thrown by our enemies! Let me explain.........

Born and raised in New York City during the 50's and 60's, educated in the NYC public school system and graduated from Brandeis University just outside of Boston, Mr. Conason learned about life, love, politics and international relations from within one of the most wonderfully diverse cities in the world. A city that continuously strives to foster ethnic and international tolerance and good will! Yet, what Mr. Conason and most other liberals fail to grasp, is that international terrorism - Islamo-fascism - doesn't care whether he writes about defeating the Republicans in 2008 or growing flowers in his window boxes, their goal is to kill him ... in actuality their goal is to kill us! Democrat or Republican, male or female, black, white, brown, yellow or green, young & old - if you're an American, you're a target! Killing Yankee & Met fans - doesn't matter! Knowing that Bill Clinton lives in NYC - doesn't get anyone reprieved! Slitting the throat of a liberal writer - no biggie. Finding out that he's an American writer with Jewish ancestry - PRICELESS - the terrorists get to slit your throat on two counts!!

Mr. Conason, sir - it's time you and the rest of "Liberal Nation" started worrying less about who is going to get elected in 2008, and started praying that whoever it is - is the toughest most scary militaristic S-O-B the terrorist world has ever seen.

Americans.......this is real simple.......in 2008 elect a President tough enough to keep you and your family alive. This is the only sentence you need to remember during the next 15 months of unending political brain flatulence. As your H.S. Spanish or French Class language tapes used to say....

"Repeat after me....in 2008 elect a President tough enough to keep you and your family alive!

"Repeat after me....in 2008 elect a President tough enough to keep you and your family alive!

"Repeat after me....in 2008 elect a President tough enough to keep you and your family alive!

"Repeat after me....in 2008 elect a President tough enough to keep you and your family alive!

Because if the next President isn't - you and I won't be!

Dum Spiro Spero!

* "whiff" - v. baseball slang meaning to swing & miss a pitch badly. Analogy in life - to hear repeatedly but fail to heed a basic tenet badly.


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