"People in Hell want Ice Water and they ain't gonna get that either!"
The opening "line" of this piece used to be one of my Pop's favorite sayings. I remember as I was growing up, probably more toward the age of 10 rather than later, that he'd say it to me whenever I said, "I just gotta have that Dad!" He'd say. "Yeah sonny boy....well, People in Hell want ice water and they ain't gonna get that either!"
Usually "it" had something to do with baseball, either a mitt or a bat. Quickly I learned that just because your mitt laid outside in the rain over-night, it didn't mean that you'd get a new one. And believe it or not, I can even remember gluing and screwing together a bat that I had split "on the label" rather than buying a new one. Yup, money was pretty important back in West Orange, New Jersey during the 1950's! Dad spelled it out to me "in spades" by using some wonderful expressions. I know I've used them too with Kara and Kris as they were growing up!
The title line is particularly appropriate this year, or any time you're around a politician running for office! Just because YOU want something - doesn't mean you're going to get it! I hate to be the one to break the news to all those Congressmen and Senators running for President but, people in hell want ice water and they ain't gonna get that either! More importantly, my Dad and Mom taught me that when you're thinking that you just have to have something, ask yourself a question first... Ask yourself if you really DESERVE it?
During this last week, there's been a lot of discussions and candidate speech making focusing on whether candidates "have the experience" to be President? My initial response was...Geez, shouldn't this have been asked a year ago before all these millions of bucks have been collected & spent? I mean, shouldn't there be at least a check off list of minimum qualifications for a position as important as President of the United States? Something more than getting a lot of signatures and the requisite, "beyond 35 years old, and a natural borne citizen of the United States" would seem prudent - no?
Let me put it this way....currently I'm interviewing for a job as a truck driver, and I'm finding it isn't too easy getting that job. Why? Well, because I haven't gotten paid to be a truck driver since before I was 21 years old. That's a long time ago! And just because I want to be a driver again doesn't mean I qualify! "People in Hell want Ice Water, and they ain't gonna get that either!" The same thing goes for this years raft of candidates from both parties.
Seems to me that all of the candidates (and their staffs) have confused "experience" with what we really need to know. Back in the "old west" they'd ask a stranger to, "show me your bona fides." Meaning, show me your credentials, why should I trust you? I'm sure all of our candidates are well meaning and really believe they've received "the Call" as my Mom used to say. I give each of them credit for even considering taking on the presidency and for wanting to serve our country that way. But just because they want to be The President...doesn't mean that they deserve to be President. Nor does it mean they qualify for the job beyond the basic requirements.
Think about each candidate for a second. You know, I really think there are a group of candidates running in both parties, who are running..."not as George Bush." Their sole qualifications are that they're not the current President (who they believe has screwed up the country). In fact, when you examine the candidates many are running because they are "NOT" something....
- they are NOT... old
- they are NOT... white
- they are NOT... male
- they are NOT... Republican
- they are NOT... a Democrat
- they are NOT... a Washington insider
- they are NOT... for the war
- they are NOT... against abortion
- they are NOT... for gay marriage
- they are NOT... just an actor
- they are NOT... just a big city Mayor or a former Governor
Because, I am certain that our enemies around the world are waiting for this next election, I've thought of a number of questions which are important to me. These are things I need answered before I "bestow" my vote on someone. They have to earn it! Some of the questions I ask about a candidate are.....
- Can I trust them?
- Do they "wear the flag?" Do they respect Duty, Honor, Country!
- Have they been tested & proven during "crunch time?"
- Can they carry the "weight" of the Presidency as well as wear the "dignity" of the office?
- Will "critical players" on the world stage give them respect?
- Can this person influence world opinion?
- Will our enemies tremble - or be emboldened?
- Will they strengthen & preserve "the Republic" and the Constitution?
At which time the clouds will part, the sun will shine and a booming voice will be heard saying, "People in Hell want ice water, and they ain't gonna get that either!"
Dum Spiro Spero!
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