CONGRESS "Betrays Us" more than any Gereral ever has!
The evidence is clear, ( I hope I can write it down clearly enough).
There are two examples that happened just yesterday.
The first example is the least obvious because it got the least amount of media play. (Naturally!) There I was looking at the news around 6:10 PM - YIKES! - close-up of Nancy Pelosi on the screen talking about the President and the Conservatives in Congress want to hurt children by voting against the re-authorization of the House's State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Well, not so fast Nancy........let's tell the truth OK?
The truth is that the bill already exists and the House has until the end of September to re-authorize it. The existing bill was successful in providing medical coverage to low income children. Kids whose families couldn't afford it. Let's not be bashful - the bill was written to help poor kids! I agree with that and think most everybody does! But never being satisfied "leaving well enough alone" Congressional Democrats decided it was time to take a good bill and ruin it! The re-authorized bill looks to drastically expand not only the scope of government involvement in healthcare, but also the definition of "poor" & "children." In addition, the new bill would encumber taxpayers with a new entitlement program - forever! And it's in these added changes and "re-definitions" where Speaker Pelosi is being disingenuous.
The new bill vastly expands eligibility, from a family of four at the Federal Poverty Level, to...
- a family of four earning up to $82,600.00 per year, which is 400% above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
- Of children in families currently earning between $60K - $82K (300-400% of FPL), 89% currently have private health insurance coverage.
- Of children in families currently earning between $40K - $60K (200-300% of FPL), 77% currently have private health insurance coverage.
- Of children in families currently earning between $20K - $40K (100-200% of FPL), 50% currently have private health insurance coverage!
- In addition, the re-authorized bill would allow persons up to age 21 to be recognized as "children" for purposes of the law.
The bottom line about the re-authorized plan being pushed by Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats in Congress, as told by the CBO reports, is that a re-authorized SCHIP bill would greatly increase government controlled "welfare-styled" tax-payer funded healthcare and "CROWD OUT" private health coverage. In addition it would immediately cause the REMOVAL of 1.9 million children from private health insurance programs that currently cover them! Just another example of Congress trying to expand government even further into our daily lives!
So before you start believing Nancy Pelosi that President Bush and Conservatives are "hurting children by voting against this bill," ask yourself whether this is just "disingenuousness," an example of bill writing at its worst, or a congressional betrayal of the job we elected them to perform?
The second example begins with the Senate voting 75 - 25 yesterday afternoon to condemn the "General Betray Us" full page ad that appeared in the New York Times a couple of weeks ago.
What's really important - and in my view a bigger betrayal of this country - is the fact that NONE of the current Democrat party candidates for President voted to CONDEMN the ad.
Let's make sure everyone understands! TWO of the Democrat candidates for President voted their support FOR the ad.(Hillary Clinton and Christopher Dodd). TWO of the Democrat candidates for President "chickened out" of voting. Thereby not condemning the ad! (Barack Obama and Joe Biden) A full list of the 25 Senators who voted AGAINST condemning appears at the end of this post! This means these Senators think the ad is just fine!
Could there be any clearer an indication of the extent to which now controls the Democrats these days? It seems fairly obvious that the party of FDR, JFK and LBJ has become "addicted" to the purse strings of George Soros. NONE of the Democrats' candidates would "RISK" the ire and withholding of campaign $$$ from Soros.
Four candidates for President & Commander-In-Chief of the military, REFUSE to CONDEMN an ad slandering the reputation of the American Military! Isn't that a betrayal of the faith your soldiers put in you, and your Oath of Office?
Dum Spiro Spero!
* Congressional Budget Office, "Estimated of Changes in SCHIP and Medicaid Enrollment of Children Under H. R. 3162, the Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007, as Ordered Reported by the Committee on Ways and Means on July 27, 2007," July 27, 2007, at
* See page 12 of Congressional Budget Office, "The State Children's Health Insurance Program," Pub. No. 2970, May 2007, at
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