Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Letter to the U.S. Congress from a concerned citizen.

Dear Senators & State Representatives,

I don't know if this letter will ever reach you, but I have to try.
As far as my education taught me, you are all part of the Legislative branch of our country's government. This morning I looked it up... and here's what a 3rd - 5th Grade website sponsored by the US government says your job is ( You're supposed to be in Washington doing these jobs .....
  • write, debate and pass bills to pass onto the President for approval
  • make laws that control trade between the states and sometimes the United States and other countries
  • make laws about taxes and borrowing money, as well as approving how much money our Treasury prints
  • declare war on other countries
Nowhere in these 4 responsibilities do the words "travel to hostile capitals to consult with foreign dictators as though we were part of the State Department" appear. (I could add snidely - "while spending millions upon millions of tax-payers dollars to fly us and our entourages around like rock-stars" - but I won't!) I ask you, what do starving American families in Mississippi and Louisiana gain by having Senators from both parties running off to the Middle East?

On a related issue, I saw on the evening news yesterday a smiling Speaker Pelosi saying, "We were very pleased with the assurances we received from the president (Assad) that he was ready to resume the peace process. He's ready to engage in negotiations for peace with Israel." My first question is...what do you mean by this "We" stuff Madam Speaker? And since when did the Rep. Pelosi become part of the U.S. or Israeli Diplomatic Corp? I don't see the job "conducting foreign policy discussions" listed above!

Lastly, I've been a little perplexed about two other "jobs" Congress has decided to take upon themselves. Jobs that are mentioned nowhere in their list of responsibilities. The first, is Congresses attempt to impose their daily strategy on how the global war on terror is to be run. As far as I can tell Congressdudes, this is why we have the Joint Chief's of Staff, and a Commander-in-Chief. I respectfully submit that your "yellow-streak" combat strategies are only confusing the issue. Second, is Congresses on-going attempt to make a mountain out of what amounts to an "employment at will" mole hill regarding the firing of 8 US Attorney's. Irrespective of how many conversations were had by whom & when - these folks serve "at the pleasure of the President," NOT at the pleasure of Congress. If President Bush working through Attorney General Gonzales decided to fire these people in Macy's window - it's none of your business! Check the 3rd Grade list above if you have any questions.

I respectfully submit to you Senator's & Representative's with all the problems still remaining in Louisiana & Mississippi after Katrina - with fear compounding daily over Al Gore's global warming epistle - with thousands of illegal aliens having their dash across the American border hampered by the US Border Patrol - with the security at the Library of Congress apparently so porous that folks can just stick things down their pants and walk out with them - and with Scooter Libby, Carl Rove, & Dick Cheney still not in jail....there is not enough time for you to be taking diplomatic junkets to visit the world's hot-spots!

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

"A concerned citizen"

Salus populi suprema lex


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