Friday, May 18, 2007

Well of course it's Amnesty!!!!!

Dear Mr. President.....Dear Senator Spector.....Dear Senator (hic!) Kennedy.....Dear Senator McCain.......
Dear Dullards,

I saw your pictures in the newspaper and on television yesterday announcing your new Immigration debacle.
Of course it's AMNESTY, you idiots!

I don't care what group of beltway spin-sters the lot of you hired to write this piece of garbage reform, but PLEASE don't try to lie to us or yourselves. Your package is AMNESTY. I don't care what you jerk-offs call it, any piece of legislation that pardons the breaking of a law is, by definition, AMNESTY. (see below)

A-M-N-E-S-T-Y. noun: "the act of an authority (as in a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals." [via Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary] Oh, and just so you know, I trust a dead Webster much more than you 4 live BOOBS!

I guess now would be a good time to change the old saying that "we are a nation of laws," to a different one. Perhaps "we are a nation of unequally applied laws ," would be a better slogan and facsimile of the truth! Or maybe, "we are a nation of the lawless" what with all the gun crime and un-enforcement of immigration standards. In either case, it is a better description of the United States as it will now exist, after your abhorration yesterday.

You should be ashamed! Each and every one of you who lent support to this bill! You have lessened the value of "THE AMERICAN DREAM" my parents fought to earn!

Every person from another country, who came here legally in all the years past, hopeful to secure for themselves and their families part of the American dream, you have just spit in their faces! You have just cheapened all the hardships they had to endure, cheapened all the backbreaking work they've done, cheapened all of the years they had to wait hoping and praying for acceptance into this society, cheapened the citizenship they earned. Congratulations!

Tell me Dullards, while we're chatting, why should people from anywhere other than Central & South America - who have already spent thousands of dollars, and already waited years for their green cards - continue to do so? Why shouldn't they get immediate "z" visa acceptance just like all your new Hispanic citizens? Why shouldn't anyone, from any country anywhere in the world, WITHOUT RESTRICTION be allowed to just walk across any border into the United States and demand the same deal you're giving to current illegal aliens? Why not? What difference does it make after what you've done?

(Did you ever stop to think why Castro emptied all of his prisons & mental hospitals during the Mariel Boatlift? Did you ever once ponder why the Mexican government currently distributes maps indicating the best routes into the U.S., and offers printed suggestions of what not to do and say if captured by US Border Agents? Did ya huh? Dullards!!! Could it possibly be the $26 BILLION in untaxed earning that illegals send back to Me-He-Co annually that gets spent in their economy and NOT ours!!! Oh, you ignorant schmucks!)

Another underpinning of my youth, another of the sacred tenets that made America a beacon for all refugees in all countries around the world, has been stricken down. Soon, it will become law that in order to become an American citizen the first and fastest step you should take - IS TO BREAK THE LAW! Soon upwards of 20 million law breakers and their families will be supported by us LAW ABIDING citizens (too stupid to break the law and avoid it!)

"What a country!" - Jakov Smirnoff

PS: Dear Senator Spector: you gave us the "single bullet theory," now this - it's time for you to go!
Dear Senator (hic!) Kennedy: you gave us "a bridge too far," now this - it's time for you to go!
Dear Senator McCain: you gave us this - we don't want you as President - it's time for you to go!
Dear President Bush: you gave us great leadership in the war, now this - thank God there's not much time left - because it's time for you to go!


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