Friday, September 29, 2006

ACLU sues Hazleton, Pennsylvania!!!

I don't like the ACLU.

In fact, I wear a t-shirt that shows a picture of the Statue of Liberty with a gag around her mouth which reads.....ACLU - Atheists - Communists - Liberals - United!

This weeks ACLU atrocity comes from Hazleton, PA. Now I spent a lot of time in Hazleton when I was a consultant, and always found it a warm & friendly city in the Pennsylvania mountains. So I was naturally drawn to this story when I saw it. (The story was reported by the AP recently, and appears in the October 2006 issue of NewsMax on page 27.)

Here's the deal...the ACLU and Hispanic activists are suing the city of Hazleton! Why? Because the Mayor of Hazleton, Lou Barletta, had the unmitigated gall to propose a city ordinance that did three things...

1. it fined landlords $1,000 for renting to illegal immigrants
2. it denied business permits to companies that hired illegal immigrants
3. it made English the city's official language

And guess what? Earlier this summer, the 31,000 residents of Hazleton voted to enact the ordinance! YIPPEE!!!! A town sticking up for the rights of Americans! (Opps, sorry! I'm not suppose to gloat.)

For anyone just now hearing about this, it's equally important to understand why Mayor Barletta sought to have this ordinance passed. He proposed the ordinance after two illegal immigrants were arrested and charged for shooting and killing a Hazleton resident. The Mayor (and evidently) most of the town said...Enough! We're standing our ground and defending our citizen's!

An ACLU spokesman said, "It makes every person who looks or sounds foreign a suspect, including those who are here legally. You might as well just paint a target on every foreigner's forehead or a sign saying, 'Please treat me differently.'"

No it doesn't Mr. ACLU!! The ordinance is the city's way of protecting the LEGAL citizens and business owners of Hazleton. It's protecting their rights and their property, and their ability to do business. And until (or unless) the Federal government acts upon the growing ILLEGAL Immigration issue, the Hazleton ordinance is a successful test of a city exercising it's right, to take immigration matters into their own hands.

I've said it a million times! Every foreigner - let me repeat that - EVERY FOREIGNER who comes to this country LEGALLY - just like my parents did, and my wife's family did, and the millions of other immigrants WHO OBEYED THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES WHEN FIRST ENTERING THIS COUNTRY, are Welcomed. Period.

Is this so difficult a premise for anyone to understand? For the ACLU that is supported by thousands of lawyers, is this such a difficult rule to grasp? That in order to have the rights of legal Americans, you have to have obeyed the laws of this country in order to get here! Simple, Yes? Why can't you just "GET" it?

To paraphrase a snide liberal quip of the 90's....."It's the LAW - stupid!"

Dum Spiro Spero


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