Sunday, December 14, 2008

How much doesn't HE know??

I'm starting to worry about our President Elect..........

He didn't know about this - he didn't know about that - he never heard his Reverend "spew" anti-American hatred in 20 years of church going. He never talked to - nor wondered about how the Governor of his own state was dealing with his own Senate seat.......Huh? Are you kidding me?

Now, he says he's confident that no one in his campaign spoke to the Illinois Governor about his senate seat. Really???

Well, does the new Presidential Chief of Staff count? What about Rahm Emanuel? He's on recorded conversations the FBI has, talking to the Illinois Governor about who would be acceptable to President elect Obama as his Senate replacement. Ya mean Rahm and good pal Barry never talked about Rahm maybe giving the Gov. a call just to make sure all the "usual suspects" were being considered?

Just so everyone understands this correctly........that's conversationssssss - plural - meaning more than one conversation - Rahm had with Gov. Rod, regarding who Obama would find acceptable.

Dear President-elect Obama:
Sir. With the same measure of due respect you and your Party gave President Bush.....
Asking intelligent Americans to believe that a savvy politician such as yourself - brought up as part of Chicago-style "machine politics" .......

a) had no input on who was being considered for your Senate seat;
b) no interest in how it was done;
c) no awareness of conversations Rahm Emanuel was having with the Governor on your behalf like asking the American people (to use Senator Clinton's quote/insult to General Petraus) to apply a "willful suspension of disbelief!" We're not that stupid Sir - regardless of what the media Networks tell you about us!

The next President of the United States should not begin prevaricating to the American population a month before the Inauguration.

Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth A. Johnson
11 Arbor Way
Long Valley, NJ 07853



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