"A Few Of My Favorite Things"
Why is this "stuff" so easy to me? (Don't get me wrong - I am NOT a Saint, nor do I even consider myself that good a human being!) But why I wonder, are the answers to so many controversial issues these days - easy for me to decide upon?
Maybe it's because when I was taught "right from wrong" in my childhood, I was also taught that ... if you do do something wrong - big or small - there are consequences! And I think that's the difference! That whole notion of having to "pay the consequences" was very real to me.
All of which brings me to my first "favorite thing." Plaxico Burris shooting himself in the thigh with a concealed handgun while at a dance club.
"Dear Plaxico: It is AGAINST THE LAW to carry a concealed weapon in public - even moreso an illegal weapon. PERIOD! GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!! FORFEIT YOUR $35,000,000 GIANT CONTRACT!!!
The LAW does not allow "a special exemption" for highly paid celebrity NFL receivers - out after midnight - who wear their baseball cap crook-ed, and carry an illegal pistol in their sweatpants! When you heard the gun go off, you should have also realized that your CONTRACT and your CAREER were going with it. Enjoy your time in the "BIG HOUSE" with those other "thuggees" OJ Simpson & Michael Vick. See what happens when you think you're "something special?" And who wears sweatpants out to a dance club? Whaz zup wit dat???
Next "thing" (and I mean it) "thing." Chris Dodd, Senator from Connecticut.....is all of a sudden worried about saving Connecticut auto dealerships and the U.S. auto industry. When asked yesterday about the "bailout" for the big-three auto makers, Dodd said, "Inaction is unacceptable. We would be indicted by history if that's what we did."
"Dear Senator Dodd: I am puzzled why you would be worried about inaction regarding the auto industry bailout- NOW? Especially since your statements during the last two years - (along with those of another un-indicted Representative, Barney Frank) - almost assuredly caused the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! Both you and Senator Frank assured the American public that those two lending organizations were in perfect health and didn't need any increased overview or further regulation. Your inaction during the last two years should be cause for both you and Congressperson Frank to be indicted by a Court and sent to prison for lying to the American people and causing the financial collapse of the mortgage industry. Had you been truthful, many thousands of American families could have avoided loosing their homes!
Last issue on my list. Democrats rushing to "enshrine" Caroline Kennedy into Hillary Clinton's vacant Senate seat!
Let's mark this one "way up there" on the "List of Most Hypocritical Senatorial Appointment EVER!" For two reasons. First reason.... if the elected Governor of the largest State in our country isn't considered experienced enough to be a Vice-Presidential candidate, then "the crowning" of the ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY INEXPERIENCED Caroline Kennedy should be viewed as equally ludicrous! Second reason...... Liberals have been "calling for" the elimination of the American Ruling Class for years! "We don't want to have ruling families like Clinton or Bush anymore," has been their cry. I'd submit to all Americans that there is no better example of a "political dynasty" in this country than the Kennedy Clan. There is perhaps no greater an example of ill-gotten gains, machine & party politics at its worst - than the Kennedy Clan. If Liberals want to do away with an American Ruling Class, the Kennedy family MUST be added to the list with the Clintons and the Bushes.
Dum Spiro Spero!!
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