"News Follies" Update
* Yesterday I wrote about the plan of some eco-friendly California legislators who were planning to pass a bill to do away with the Edison incandescent light bulb in favor of the "squiggly" fluorescent bulb. I figured..."Well, it's the LaLa-Land crowd, what should I expect! This morning I read that not only is Cali-fawn-y-a putting together a bill, but so is the State Legislature of North Carolina - AND - the United States Congress, (led by the "Albore" loving liberal cabal)! All plans are expected to be implemented in 10 years.
But here's an interesting "tidbit" today's article uncovered............
Guess where all these billions and billions and billions and billions of "squiggly" fluorescent bulbs costing 3 to 5 times more than an incandescent bulb are going to be manufactured? California? No! - North Carolina?? Nope! Somewhere in the United States?? Of course not you stupid American! The estimated 4 billion "squiggly" fluorescent replacement bulbs will all have to be built in that BASTION of clean air & eco-friendliness.......CHINA!!! (More coal furnaces Hop-Sing!!!!)
* My second blood pressure elevator today comes from our good friends in the United Kingdom...........
It was announced today that schools in Britain will no longer be teaching students about "the Holocaust." British educators fear that doing so would cause pain to Muslim students. Let me repeat that......they fear it would cause Muslim students pain.
Now - I'm basically a "daft bastard" as the Brits would say - but would somebody please explain to me how learning about the holocaust (wherein the Nazi's exterminated 6 million Jewish/Polish/Russian civilians during WW II) would cause a MUSLIM student pain ? I might have seen some merit to the idea if British educators claimed they were trying to spare Jewish students or even German students some discomfort - or if they simply said the issue was too painful for ANY student to learn. But where is the connection to MUSLIM students? I just don't get it! HEADMASTER: "We really don't want to make any of our Muslim students uncomfortable...the poor dears. But you Jews and Germans should "sod off!"
Has the United Kingdom now joined the rest of the prissy liberal world? Did I miss the NEWSFLASH saying.... "Attention all non-Muslims! The world must now bend over backwards (or simply bend over) for everything Muslim or Islamic in nature. Your immediate deference is mandatory!" Did I miss that announcement?
Here's a simple thought from a "simple-minded" American, to my British cousins ..... You can not - you must not, "selectively" teach history. There are millions of British hero's and patriots crying out to you from their graves. However frail your Muslim students might be, they will learn more about not killing if they are sickened by "the holocaust" - than they will if they learn about "the glory of killing the infidels" in a Madrassa school.
Dum Spiro Spero!
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