"Kofi - the Security Counsel - and U.N. "slight-of-hand"
Since last weekend when the world breathed a unified sigh of relief over the implementation of the Mid-East Cease Fire, I've had the funny feeling that something was missing....and I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I couldn't understand at all why Israel was pulling out of southern Lebanon, while for a couple of days no U.N. "troops" were visable on the ground. Then, yesterday I got my first glimpse of a U.N. Peacekeeper. I'm sorry, but it looked very funny seeing a baby-blue turbaned soldier (?) walking unarmed alone a barbed wire fence-line in one of the hottest war zones on the planet! I may have missed his "swagger stick" and short pants, but I couldn't figure out how this fellow was supposed to stop anyone from doing anything. (But that wasn't what I had been looking for!)
When we went to bed on Friday night, we had assurances that France was going "to be leading the charge" to secure the battle lines and defend against incursions by either combatant. On Sunday morning as I watched the weekly news broadcasts...there were the French!...their naval floatilla...all 12 of them....in two inflatable boats, with two French flags half as big as the boats! "Viva la France! We're saved!!!!"
So this morning I pulled a copy of the Secuity Council Cease Fire resolution....that was unanimously passed on Friday....and read it through. TWICE. Now I knew what was missing.
Once again the world has been "hoodwinked" by Kofi Annan and his band of merry men. It's either that - or we're all just stupid or gullible or worse! How else do you explain a cease fire agreement, that doesn't contain in it any reference or resolution to the princible reason for why we needed a cease fire agreement in the first place? What about the two Israeli soldiers that were kidnapped?? Remember them???
Call me a cock-eyed optimist, but wouldn't it have been really smart to include..."Israel returns the 50 fighters it captured during the 30 days, and Lebanon returns the two soldiers it kidnapped that started this whole fiasco!"
Oh no! Instead there we have the "Chamberlain-esque" Annon announcing his version (again) of "peace in our time." (What a load of Kofikrap!). It's bad enough that Annan plays Alibabaa to his "band of 40 thieves" in the Security Council, but where was the learned Ms. Rice, or Mr. Bolton, or the Israeli ambassador, or PM Olmert, or any of the other supposedly lucid members of the Security Council when they reviewed this resolution? Don't ya think someone - ANYONE - would have seen that the 2 Israeli soldiers were not accounted for, and made them part of the bargain?
Now someone may say that I'm wrong, that the cease fire was between the nations of Israel and Lebanon, and the U.N. can't place a binding resolution on an organiization like Hezbollah. OK, I see your point. THEN WHY GO TO THE UNITED NATIONS AT ALL?
Good Lord in Heaven, if we didn't learn during the debacle of going to the U.N. endless times during the run-up to the Iraqi War, and the U.N. can't do anything of value now when it comes to Hamas, Hezbollah, or al Quada, why in God's name are we still going back to that blackhole of diplomacy on the Hudson to participate in another round of Kofi's Parlor Tricks? Why??
This...gentleman... is supposed to be The Secretary General of the United Nations. That's nations - plural. He's supposed to represent all nations. Not all nations except The United States and it's allys! Not all nations except Israel and anyone who supports her! Not all Islamic nations. Not all nations who give his son & him millions of dollars in the Oil for Food scandal. All nations!
At this point I'm of a mind to say that Secretary Annan couldn't be the Secretary of the Men's Washroom at the United Nations.....but that would be casting aspersions upon Washroom attendants everywhere!
When are we going to learn?
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