Recently I wrote to the United Nations, posing a few questions and offering a few suggestions. My letter was sent on July 27, 2006, and appears below.
Dear UN Inquiries,
I have searched the UN website and found no other address to email my letter to. Would you please direct it to the proper department. Thank you.
This morning I read in various newspapers that the UN (through Kofi Annan & others) has accused Israel of deliberately targeting UN observation posts. Later when pressed Mr. Annan changed his story to include the phrase "apparently deliberate attack."
I can't understand Mr. Annan's shock. For the last 20 years, the UN has grown increasingly less supportive of Israel. During that time, and more frequently during the last 12 -15 years, the UN has (time-and-again), sided with Islamic or communist nations who seek to destroy Israel, or at the very least seek to have it give away more of it's territories. In years past, the UN General Assembly greeted a gun-toting Arafat into its chamber as a hero, and subsequently called for Israel to seed more territory back to the Palestinians. As Israel has done so many times in the past, it complied.
Now, when Iran's leader Ahmedinejad declares publicly that "Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth," what has the UN done? When Palestinians kidnap one Israeli soldier, and then Hezbollah kidnapped two more, what has the UN done? Today, when Ayman al-Zawahri states, "It is a jihad (holy war) for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," what will the UN do?
Hmmm...let's think about that?
When U.S. civilian contractors were shot, burned, dragged through the streets of Iraq, and their bodies hung from a bridge, what did the UN do?
When Aideed was "raping" Somalia, what did the UN do?
When thousands are dying in Darfur and tens of thousands more dying in tribal murder throughout the world, what did the UN do?
When Hussain used chemical weapons of mass destruction to kill Iraqi Kurds, what did the UN do?
The answer is simple, the UN talked...and then sent a peace keeping mission to observe...then you called on the U.S. to stop being stingy with it's humanitarian aid...and then talked some more trying to bring the parties to the table...and only in a few situations did the UN impose sanctions, and then only after incredible amounts of time - time that the perpetrators used very well to their advantage. There was the "Food for Guns" program in Somalia; the "Food for Oil" program in Iraq. And we all know how well these and other UN programs have changed the face of troubled areas over the last 20 years....not at all. Unless of course it was to chastise the United States or Israel for overstepping their bounds.
So now to Lebanon.
In an area of the world where the UN has done absolutely everything over the last 20 years to support Palestinian & other fundamentalist Islamic views - the UN has 8 or 9 Observation Posts. Well, since Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria, Iran, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and even Al-Quida know that you support their goals, why would you be surprised that members of terrorist groups would inhabit buildings and neighborhoods around your Observation Posts? Isn't that just a bit naive? These are the same Islamic fundamentalists that stash weapons regularly in mosques and hospitals, or even with civilian families! Is it such a mental stretch for you to figure out that they know there would be less of a chance that they'd be bombed if they were close to a UN Observation Post?
Rather than talk Mr. Annan, Israel decided to act - forcefully. Like it did in the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, like it has always done when attacked. I hope and pray that Israel will get their kidnapped soldiers back unharmed - although my hopes are growing dimmer with each day. If they are returned unharmed, I hope that Israel will stop their military actions and pull back within their borders.
If not, I will pray for all the brave Israeli soldiers as I do for all our brave U.S. soldiers. I will ask God to keep them strong, safe and make them victorious over their Islamo-facist enemies. I will continue to pray that sane Arabic nations will fight to wipe out Islamic facists.
Finally Mr. Annan, I would suggest that the UN has no business positioning itself between any nation-state and any group of terrorists. The important phrase to grasp from al-Zawahri's quote today is "our religion prevails." Here he is admitting to the world that this isn't a fight between countries, but a fight between his form of radical Islam and the rest of the world. Nation-states demand your support, especially those who so frequently come to the aid of international victims. Terrorist groups, states sponsoring those groups, and states allowing those groups to operate inside their borders, do not.
I thank you for your time. A copy of this letter is being sent to a number of my correspondent friends who urged me to write.
PS: I might suggest adding a link on the United Nations website, where world & U.S. citizens could email you and post their views. But then again, you'd probably not be interested in hearing from Americans.
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